All about Lettuce
Lettuce is a Python BDD type clone of Cucumber. To the day Lettuce does not have quite all the features of Cucumber but it can still do a great job describing and performing BDD on your application.
The easiest way to get started is to install Lettuce using pip. If you are new to Python, you might want to spend a little time understanding pip and basic Python techniques.
$ pip install lettuce
You might have to install python-Levenshtein depending on your Python install.
$ pip install python-Levenshtein
Now lets create some basic folder structure.
$ mkdir lettuce
$ cd lettuce
$ mkdir features
Lets create a feature file using Gherkin within the features folder.
Feature: Test 1
Scenario: Add 2 Numbers
Given There are numbers 2 and 3
When added together
Then they equal 5
Once we have the feature lets build us some easy steps to make them pass.
If you are new to Python please take care to note the indentions in your .py files. General rule of thumb on Python is to use 4 spaces.
from lettuce import *
@step(u'Given There are numbers 2 and 3')
def given_there_are_numbers_2_and_3(step):
world.a = 2
world.b = 3
@step(u'When added together')
def when_added_together(step): = world.a + world.b
@step(u'Then they equal 5')
def then_they_equal_5(step):
assert ( == 5), 'Amount should equal 5'